I am passionate about helping you discover within you, the source of your creativity, intuition, your authentic self. To live from this place, (rather than your conditioned self), is a process of witnessing and awareness. Living from this place, that part of you that is genuine, sometimes expansive, other times quietly guiding you, will take you where you truly envision your self.
Understanding Your True Nature and Living It:
Is this me (little me) or I (true self)?
Which would you prefer to live from?
Become a witness to your conditioned self (i, me) through meditation, conscious breathing and cultivating stillness in your daily life.
Listen to your “still, small voice” (I) and begin to trust its guidance.
Creativity and Intuition:
Where is it? How to birth it?
Why spaciousness and stillness is food
Discern Inner Guidance
Spontaneity and Synchronicity
Dreams and Symbols
Consciousness and Relationship:
When there are two (me’s) and two (I’s)
Reactivity vs. Response
Meditation and Stillness
Trust Inner Guidance
Authentic Communication: Empathy and Intimacy
Contact Marcia for more information.