Marcia Wolff earned a Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature at the University of Texas at San Antonio and began to write in the 1980’s. Even though she knew that she wanted to become a psychotherapist, literature not only was another way of looking at a range of human behaviors, but also it provided the opportunity to observe details and quirks, metaphors and symbols and a variety of universal archetypes that are part of human life. When she chose a graduate school for training as a psychotherapist, she chose one that focused on the expressive arts. The power of expression through writing was a grand surprise. She found writing and poetry to be very expanding. It changed her view of herself and her view of the world. Her writing has often inspired, informed, created awareness and sometimes humored an audience.
Marcia writes articles on healthy relationships, women’s issues and art and creativity. She wrote a weekly column called Soul Connection in The Puerto Vallarta Tribune about art and creativity and now writes articles about art and artists for the ATENCION, a bi-lingual weekly newspaper in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Marcia authored a book of poems, a memoir titled Frictions Becoming Pearl: a Slow Awakening. She presently is writing a novel titled The Rarest of Gems.
Marcia led poetry writing groups in treatment centers, one-on-one poetry writing to process grief in the therapy setting and now offers timed-writing classes, Writing Your Way In; Writing Your Way Out encouraging the sound and sense and flow of writing. She will be offering writing classes and creative workshops in Awakening and Deepening: Finding your True Self.
Soul connections: Couples who create
Awakening and Deepening through Writing
Marcia Wolff Art Opening-The Bordello Galería-Casa de la Noche
Atencion, Soul Connections
Frictions Becoming Pearl: A Slow Awakening
Art Walk and Chamber Music
Artists and Their Art